Nathalia Peralta
Taking advantage of her beginnings in architecture turned her knowledge into jewelry and got inspired by geometrical forms, frames and structures.
After exploring all kinds of techniques, sculpture was chosen as the key element of the brand which works with forms of nature in combination with architectural figures.
Founder of CRUDE (2012) & NATHALIA PERALTA JEWELRY (2021) Two opposite universes, one GEOMETRIC and the other ORGANIC with a single objective:
Build eternal art.
The designer turns her ideas into reality by creating portable sculptures in noble metals. Slowly finding its identity, finally concrete image and values posing as a brand that works with materials such as gold and silver wanting to form a single product, this uniquely styled available to its user.
Ecuadorian, based in Buenos Aires. In addition to her brands, she pours all her knowledge into transmitting. Creating the first JEWELRY SCHOOL dedicated 100% to entrepreneurs in the field.